15 Reasons Why Local Residential Electricians Can Save Your Home

local residential electricians keep you connected

Have you been watching Youtube videos on how to do DIY home electrical work on your own?

Are you left scratching your head as you’ve followed the steps to a T, but something’s not quite right?

Let’s face it, owning a home is a lot of work, and its upkeep can get expensive! That’s why many homeowners try to repair these issues themselves in an effort to save a few bucks. 

However, doing DIY repairs may make you spend more time and money in the long run.

Working with residential electricians provides more efficiency and expertise to fix your electrical problems.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of working with a local professional electrician.

Before you start to do your own home electrical service, consider this:

Electricians are required to complete 8,000 hours of an electrical apprenticeship, on top of classroom hours. That is equivalent to getting a bachelor’s degree. 

Electrical systems for an average home can range between 100 – 200 amps. That is something you do not want to mess with! 

Here are 15 projects that your local and licensed electrician is more than qualified to handle to save your home!

15 Reasons How Hiring Residential Electricians Will Save Your Home 

1. Electricians know the codes for home remodeling

If you are undertaking the exciting project of doing remodel in your home, make life easier for yourself with a professional electrician.

An electrical contractor will help you plan the best placement for outlets, install new lighting, hook up a surround sound system, and a lot more.

A remodeling project can be stressful with unforeseen repairs and replacements. 

Working with a trusted electrician will ensure your remodel is up to local building codes. This will guarantee your safety and security while keeping you out of trouble by abiding with state regulations. 

2. Home improvement projects done right the first time

There are a lot of home improvement projects that would go a lot smoother, safer, and easier with a hired professional.

When you are doing projects in and around your house, like installing ceiling fans or recessed lighting, make it easier on yourself by searching for electricians near you. 

That way, if you have a problem, your local electrician can easily swing by.

An added bonus is that your local electrician will be an expert in your area’s building codes for these types of installs.

3. Minimize your home’s environmental impact

It is so easy to waste energy. There are a lot of appliances in your home that rely on electricity but don’t need to be on all the time. 

Chat with your local electrician to learn ways on how to cut down on your energy expenditure while reducing your monthly energy bills.

Electricians can help you find and install the best-automated system that will turn on and off appliances, lights, heat, etc. to conserve energy.

4. Electrical upgrades to increase efficiency

When was the last time your appliances got an upgrade? Are you still using your grandma’s hand-me-down dryer? 

Appliances have come a long way. It is common for newer appliances to be designed to require less energy to run. 

Scheduling your local electrician for a house inspection will give you a trained eye to offer insight into such improvements and upgrades.

Plus, energy-efficient upgrades will save you more money in the long run than keeping your grandma’s dryer. 

5. Electricians thorough home inspections for potential hazards

this is a professional electrician

When was the last time your electrical system got inspected? Regular inspections are so important to maintain the safety of your home. 

Electrical systems can become defective over time with its continual use and demand. 

Here’s what electricians look for:

  • Wiring that is exposed, loose, out-dated, or corroded 
  • Any potential electrical hazards
  • Safety and efficiency of the service panel
  • Properly functioning safety switches in the circuit panel
  • Properly working outlets and light switches

Your electrician will make recommendations for upgrades, repairs, or replacements to help your home become more energy-efficient. 

6. Electricians can determine when to rewire your home

If you own an older home, you may be due for an electrical wiring upgrade, especially if you have been experiencing the following:

  • Multiple outlets not working
  • Lights flickering or blinking
  • An electrical burning smell from outlets
  • Black on the outlet plates
  • Tripped circuit breaker

If your house has aluminum wiring, then it is highly advised to get a rewire. 

Aluminum wiring, more commonly found in older homes, gets defective much faster than copper wiring, which is used in today’s homes. 

Aluminum is less reliable than copper. It deteriorates faster resulting in loose or poor connections.  This puts your house at risk of electrical fires.  

7. Electricians diagnose tripped circuits

Have you noticed you have been taking more trips to your service panel to reset the breakers?

The most common reason for a tripped circuit is when too much energy is being demanded by the service panel. 

As a safety precaution, the safety switch in the service panel will turn off the power to that part of the house.

If you have already made alterations to the power demand from these outlets and are still experiencing tripped circuits, the issue could be more serious.

Only electrical contractors should diagnose and repair these issues.

8. Electricians protect your home by replacing defective outlets

There are many signs that it is time to replace your outlet(s), including:

  • Multiple tripped circuit breakers
  • Sockets that are warm to the touch
  • Crackling or buzzing noise from an outlet
  • The area where the plug inserts is darkened
  • An electrical burning smell

These are tell-tale signs that an outlet is defective and may start a fire.

Electricians highly advise that you give them a call to assess the situation before you make a DIY project out of the issue. 

With ample hours of training and experience, electricians are well equipped with the knowledge, safety techniques, and tools to properly replace outlets. 

9. Electricians safely install power generators

Have you ever lost power to your house and felt at a complete loss of what to do? 

Chores can’t get done, the kids are going crazy without the TV, the food in your refrigerator spoils, you can’t cook dinner…it can get ugly!

A properly installed generator can come in very handy when you lose power. If you need help deciding which generator to buy to supply the right amount of power for your home’s needs electricians can do the job.

You can have a generator installed to provide power when you need it most. 

10. Electricians protect your appliances from damaging power surges

Your home is more at risk of a power surge than you might think — 20 times more at risk that is! That is the average number of internal power surges homes experience a day!

A power surge is when there is an increase in the electrical current. This could be caused by an issue from the power supply company, lightning that hits a transformer, or simply your high-energy appliances needing more juice. 

With the increase in power hitting your outlets, it can potentially fry whatever is plugged into them, like your computer. 

An electrician can install a whole-house surge protector to protect your expensive and valuable electronics from going caput. 

11. An electrician-installed sauna/jacuzzi/heated pool will keep you relaxed and worry-free

Long days at work will all be worth it with one of these luxury ways to unwind. To enhance your relaxation, hire a licensed electrician when it’s time to do the installation.

A sauna, jacuzzi, or heated pool requires high voltages and amps to run.

Electricians are familiar with the wiring and installation of these units to ensure the home and jacuzzi are both properly sourced for their energy demands.

What’s more, they know the National Electric Code and the laws to meet all requirements for proper installation. 

12. Electricians will know when it’s time to change your electrical panels

electrical contractor troubleshooting system

If you are planning to implement any of the following in your home… 

  • Installing a generator
  • Replacing outlets for the reasons listed above
  • Placing a whole-house surge protector
  • Getting a new jacuzzi
  • Or, if your house is over 35 years old

… then you may also need to consider replacing your electrical panel. 

Contact your electrical professional before making any of these major modifications. 

Your electrician will also ensure that your home is equipped with the newest and safest electrical panel to protect your home. 

13. Make sure your home security systems are installed right 

You want to be able to trust that your security system and surveillance cameras have been installed correctly so that they work properly.

Loose or faulty wiring can cause systems to malfunction. Glitches can also occur and interrupt a live stream feed.

You may also require security cameras in places that do not have easy access to a power supply. Your electrician will devise a plan to accurately install and wire your security and surveillance systems. 

14. Rely on professionally installed smoke detectors 

When it comes to fire safety, installing hardwired smoke detectors are more reliable and functional than the battery-operated alternative. 

They offer many home- and life-saving benefits. Most smoke detectors have features that include: 

  • Triggering other detectors in the home and on different levels to go off for faster evacuation
  • Connecting to a home monitoring system to notify emergency services right away
  • A battery back-up if you lose power you won’t lose the function of your fire protection device

If you are wanting to replace battery-powered detectors for hard-wired detectors, then scheduling an electrician for the new installation is advised. 

Your electrician will install the outlet box needed to run the required cable to each install location.

With cables in place, the electrician will connect the detectors and test that each one works before the job is complete. 

If you have an existing home security system, your electrician can also connect the detectors’ electrical wiring into these systems as well.

15. Electricians will protect you and your family against electrical shocks

You may have seen the capital letters GFCI on some of your outlets. 

They are required to be installed in your bathrooms, the kitchen, the laundry room, and other areas in the house that have a water source. 

GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter. To reduce the risk of shock, GFCI outlets are designed to shut off the electrical flow when there is a change in its current. 

If you notice that this type of outlet is not installed in your home currently, you will need an electrician to replace the outlet. 

This will save your home and family from the risk of an electrical fire.  

Find Credible Local Residential Electricians ASAP!

Your local residential electricians are happy to help you with your home’s electrical needs. They are prepared for any job and want to prioritize your home’s and family’s safety.

If you had an experience working with an electrician who has saved your home, or you have questions for electricians about your home, we would love to hear from you!

Leave us a comment below.

If you feel you would benefit from a thorough home electrical inspection, give us a call!

Jeff Brandlin - Assurance Electrical Services Prescott Arizona

Jeff Brandlin is the founder of Assurance Electrical Services, LLC. He started in the electrical industry when he was 21 and had worked in several electrical firms before founding Assurance Electrical. Jeff is dedicated to providing the best quality service to his clients and always puts their needs first. Outside work, Jeff enjoys spending time with his wife and children.

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